Grey Matter adds Enterprise Governance and Management to your Cloud-Native initiatives
2 min readMar 2, 2021


Grey Matter is excited to announce our most recent update!

Grey Matter is a cloud-native management platform for intelligent network operations built to derive maximum value from decentralized enterprise service-based architectures. Our latest release of the industry-leading Grey Matter intelligent mesh networking platform delivers:

  1. Enterprise cloud-native management and mesh network governance.
  2. Template-based DevSecOps workflows with IDE integration.
  3. Multi-cloud mesh network cataloging.
  4. Integration deeper into the network layers 3 and 4.
  5. AI mesh anomaly detection for insight into everything from cloud-native to brownfield.

The scale and speed at which decentralized systems operate make a management plane for your cloud-native initiatives a necessity. Continuous systems availability and performance are of paramount concern to our customers. Maintaining effective oversight on the millions of transactions occurring across your ever-growing decentralized ecosystems is an impossibility without managing many different tools across your multi-cloud / hybrid enterprise. Grey Matter connects, controls, secures, automates, measures, and maximizes results across your multi-cloud and hybrid stacks. It is the management plane for your growing cloud-native enterprise ecosystem.

Here’s just a sample of the capabilities you’ll find in the latest version of Grey Matter:

  • Enhanced dashboard visualizations
  • Greater sidecar filter visualization.
  • Dynamic categorization of service by protocol, with enhanced sort, filter, and grouping control.
  • A new service viewer to improve API docs access for developers.
  • Ready display of several new Catalog fields.
  • A new CLI.
  • New templating features and VSCode plugin.
  • Catalog integration.
  • Support for native GitOps workflows.
  • Tab completions.
  • Enterprise Mesh Governance templates.
  • Support for Template-based configuration for enterprise management and faster delivery for software developers.
  • Template libraries for easier integration and customizations across clouds and into your enterprise IT infrastructure.
  • Support for Open Policy Agent (OPA).
  • Secure inline support for networking and data transactions across the multi-cloud topologies your enterprise requires.

About Grey Matter

Grey Matter is developed, owned, and operated by Decipher Technology Studios LLC, an Alexandria, Virginia-based software company. Grey Matter is a secure, cloud-native core platform that provides massive/critical machine communication services with expanded service capabilities, scalability, agility, and more. It features routing control, resiliency, and observability for elastic growth, unprecedented interoperability, and the rapid introduction of new services and capabilities. Grey Matter enables flexible service-to-service intercommunications across your hybrid and multi-cloud environments while reducing cost and complexity. The platform has a rapidly growing user base that includes some of the largest, most security-conscious globally decentralized enterprise-scale organizations in the world.

We support open-source tools and commercial products, enabling IT professionals to securely connect hybrid and multi-cloud computing infrastructure.

Learn more about what Grey Matter can do for your enterprise at!

